First there was the Washington Post's free daily, the Express, which was a defensive move -- intended to stop a free daily from damaging the mothership. Then conservative billionaire Phil Anschutz bought a group of suburban newspapers, combined them and renamed them the Examiner. Now Robert Allbritton (seen here in a Washington Post file photo) has launced The Politico. It appears it won't compete so much with the Express and Examiner but instead will focus on the niche occupied by Roll Call, the Hill and other publications such as the National Journal and Congressional Quarterly that concentrate on national politics and policy, the
Washington Post reports. Allbritton's family owned the Washington Star in the 1970s. With a staff of 14 reporters and 12 editors, The Politico will publish Tuesday through Thursday when Congress is in session, and on Wednesdays during recess. That's the same publication schedule as the Hill. Roll Call publishes Monday through Thursday, and Mondays during recess. Allbritton had explored buying the Hill last year but the asking price was $40 million.